experimental structures
MIKADOweb experimental pavilion, structural improvements with students, University of Innsbruck, 2012
MIKADOweb, irregular shell from short rods with membrane suspension, experimental pavilion with students, University of Innsbruck, 2011
MIKADOweb, development of irregular shell from short rods with membrane suspension as buildable bamboo structure, Florentine Sack with Eda Schaur, students, University of Innsbruck, participation “Universities meet in Architecture” programme, Architecture Biennale Venice, 2010

cardboard foldwork, experimental pavilion, Florentine Sack, Wolfgang Ohnmacht, Volker Flamm with students, University of Innsbruck, 2001
bamboo-globe as tensegrity-structure, experimental sculpture with
Eda Schaur, students, University of Innsbruck, 2000
5-point-tent, experimental pavilion with Eda Schaur, students,
University of Innsbruck, 1998

bird house, Berlin, 2022

two sea chest houses, Schleswig-Holstein, 2013
“Erzähl mir vom Leben” design photography exhibition Ilse Thoma, Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin, 2008-09
Herberge zur Heimat, conversion and extension home for homeless, Nienburg, 2007
Kimba, Kimbamobil, Kimbaexpress design and working drawings for three children diners, Berliner Tafel, 2006-10
funeral parlour, Kufstein, design as irregular shell from short rods with suspended membrane, Florentine Sack, 2003

“vertical billboard”, tower for Kunsthalle Tirol, Florentine Sack, Volker Flamm,
Wolfgang Naumer, Jane Wernick, 1998-2000

Sternbar, Munich, 1997

refurbishment of artist house,
Schleswig-Holstein with Andreas Sack, 2010-14

refurbishment and conversion of farmhouse,
Schleswig-Holstein, 2007-09

St. Hedwig Cathedral, Berlin with Hubert Salden, 2014
MIKADOweb, hip(4)- Kunstparcours – Heiligenhafen, 2013
Strandgut Pelzerhaken with Denise Dih, 2008
ohrenstrand mobil with Denise Dih, Jörg Schröder, 2008
temporary pedestrian bridge, Rome with Volker Flamm, 2000